Ken’s Courses

♥♥♥ #Kenscourses #ken #class ♥♥♥


I whole heartedly recommend taking classes with Ken, he is the best teacher I’ve ever had! His teaching method is alternative, different than the other methods that are used in Mexico, but definitetly better. He gives his students a lot of freedom and makes sure to have reasonable and comfortable deadlines for every homework, task, and project. He lets you set your own grade within reason by proving that you deserve it. Most importantly, more than a teacher he’s your coach, because he cares and keeps an eye on you in every path you take without imposing his way of doing things. He will help you with everything and anything you need, and not just about class. He’s just the best♥


Image by @WYouth, Weheartit


♥♥♥ #Scilab #WSQ12 ♥♥♥

The only thing I find scilab usefull for is to plot in 3D so I made an easy example of a function

The funcion is z=2*x^3 + y^2 


For reference I took screenshots from the sides x & y axis so that you can see the composing fuctions:






♥Carlos de la Vega


♥♥♥ #project #hangman #final #awsome ♥♥♥

I did my final project with Carlos de la Vega♥

We chose to do a hangman, we used several functions and then applied them on main.


  • PrintMessage: it prints what ever you put there and centers it
  • DrawHM: it draws the little man based on the number of errors
  • PrintLetters: it «erases» the letters that you’ve already input
  • PAvailableLetters: it prints the alphabet letters and with the upper function erases the ones that you’ve already input
  • PWordandCheckwin: it draws lines instead of characters until you input a correct letter, this fuction will determine when you’ve won or lost (you choose 10 wrong letters)
  • LoadWord: to download a random word from a file with several words
  • TriesLeft: it counts the errors, the output is used in several fuctions
  • Main: it joins all the upper functions so that the game works










Imagen de hangman, quote, and sadpicture: by anamartinl

I’m working with Carlos de la Vega (aka the love of my life)

For the project we are going to make a hangman game. It’s gonna be awesome. 

We have the basic structure and idea to make it, and also the word list.

We are starting with the code next week



I don’t know what the hell’s going on


Imagen de book and week

It’s super hard being used to the  high school work rhythm and getting to college to get beated up with the work load. I’m still tottering with every aspect in my life but I managed to pass this partial.

My recommendations for you are:

  • NEVER leave everythig to the last day → do little things every day for each subject so that you don’t have a huge wave of information and work to do at the last minute.
  • Manage well your time → is super important that you organice your week so you have the time to do homework, study, but also go out with your friends and procrastinate in Netflix or something.
  • Don’t stress → the worst thing you can do is over stressing about something, because then you get stucked and you can’t get out of there.
  • A rested brain is better than a studied brain → this is what my dean told us today, because everyone got like an hour or 2 of sleep studying for the test and aside of being unhealthy it’s just worst than not studying as much, because with that kind of tiredness your brain just doesn’t work well.
